Monday, September 16, 2019

Principles of diversity equality Essay

Outcome 1: Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion. 1.1 Define what is meant by: Diversity:- Is that right of each individual to be different and to have differences from others. Equality:- the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities. Inclusion:- the action or state of including or being included within a group or structure. Discrimination:- the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex. 1.2 Describe how direct or indirect discrimination may occur in the work setting. Direct discrimination: Institutional/Company: different pay levels offered for the same job, promotion offers to only a select group of employees; job offers and training opportunities being offered to individuals of a certain race or age; bullying, excluding others, provocations of colleagues or clients on the basis of their gender, age, religious beliefs, ethnicity, language, social class, sexual orientation. Indirect discrimination: Inadequate facilities put in place for those with disabilities, making demands on workforce which they deem as being disadvantageous to employees of a certain group; using overly complex terminology when providing information either members of staff or the clients Read more: Describe the potential effects of discrimination essay 1.3 Explain how practices that support diversity, equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. Mixing groups of individuals in situations like; training sessions encourages cohesion and fosters the opportunities for individuals to work well with each other in partnership. Introducing facilities that aid mobility as this encourages the involvement of individuals who are less mobile and makes them feel included as their needs are being taken into account. Putting in place polices that empower employees and show the individual’s value to the company such as; employee of the month awards and bonuses given for consistent good work. This will increase the employees’ confidence in carrying out their job and want to  continue their employment contract with the company. Outcome 2: Know how to work in an inclusive way. 2.1 List key legislations and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in adult social care settings. Equalities Act (2001). The Employment Act (2008). Health and Social Care Act (2012). Human Rights Act (1998). Mental Capacity Act (2005). Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006). 2.2 Describe how to interact with individuals in an inclusive way. Being empathetic towards the clients’ situation and showing a genuine interest in their concerns and needs. Allowing and encouraging a two-way dialogue to occur between the care worker and the client using techniques such as; active listening to aid communication. Respecting individual’s cultural and/or religious differences and working with them in a way that doesn’t go against their beliefs or morals. 2.3 Describe ways in which discrimination may be challenged in adult social care settings. Putting in place a company policy of zero-tolerance regarding discrimination. Informing all members of staff and clients about how and when to make complaints regarding any issues of concern including discrimination. Encouraging others to challenge discrimination. Maintaining a record of discriminatory behaviour and resorting to disciplinary actions to deal with such behaviour. Routinely updating policies and procedures of organisation in relation to discrimination. Using previous discriminatory cases to aid the continuous professional development of the members of staff as they can act as an example of how they can respond and handle similar situations if and when they occur in their future working life with the company. Outcome 3: Know how to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. 3.1 Identify sources of  information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. Company care worker handbook. Skills for care website. Heath & Social Care Information Centre website. NHS website. Healthcare Diversity Council website. 3.2 Describe how and when to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. An individual should access information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in instances where they believe that either them or the client who they are assisting being treated unfairly due to factors like an individual’s race or ethnicity; having access to the relevant legislative rules and regulations such as; the Equalities Act (2001) or The Employment Act (2008) and the company’s policies and procedures regarding diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination so that they know exactly what their employer is legally required to put into place in order to foster diversity, equality, inclusion and prevent discrimination. This information especially the company’s policies and procedures will also inform the care worker of the proper procedure that needs to occur when the care worker experiences issu es regarding diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination.

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